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Search results laura vass
Artist - Song name Category Date added Hits

Copilul de Aur x Laura Vass - Duetul de Aur (Manele de Colectie Vol. 2)

Manele 24 February 2025 253

Florin Cercel x Vali Vijelie x Laura Vass - Ianuarie 2025

Manele 03 January 2025 943

VALI VIJELIE SI LAURA VASS - Te fac sa mori de mine (manele noi 2016)

Manele 02 December 2024 472

Jador x Laura Vass - Varsta e irelevanta (Originala 2022)

Manele 17 February 2022 3133

Mariano - Unfollow (LIVE 2021)(Cover Jador, Laura Vass x What's Up)

Manele 08 April 2021 3029

Alessandra x Laura Vass - Cine E Inima Mea (Originala 2021)

Manele 13 March 2021 4915

Jador x Laura Vass x What's UP - Unfollow (Originala 2020)

Manele 23 December 2020 12866

Laura Vass, Formatia Kana Jambe & Arabii lu' Bursuc - Raiul pe pamant (Originala 2020)

Manele 11 September 2020 2807

Laura Vass, Formatia Kana Jambe & Arabii lu Bursuc - La ora asta imi permit orice (Originala 2020)

Manele 30 August 2020 3223

Laura Vass - Trandafir de catifea (Originala 2020)

Manele 27 April 2020 5557

Laura Vass - Familia inseamna tot (Originala 2020)

Manele 19 April 2020 4243

Laura Vass & Tzanca Uraganu - Strang din buze cand te vad (Originala 2020)

Manele 21 February 2020 5419

Laura Vass & Marius Babanu - Acum as vrea sa fac dragoste cu tine (Originala 2020)

Manele 22 January 2020 4362

Copilul de Aur & Laura Vass - Number One (Originala 2020)

Manele 08 January 2020 4221

Laura Vass & Formatia Kana Jambe Dan Bursuc - Shot, Shot (New Live Show 2020)

Manele 06 January 2020 1604

Laura Vass & Mihaita Piticu - Cine te face cea mai fericita (Originala 2019)

Manele 28 December 2019 4190

Copilul de Aur si Laura Vass - Nu vreau banii tai (Manele Vechi)

Manele 17 December 2019 6606

Laura Vass - Cika Loka (Originala 2018)

Manele 12 August 2018 1729

Laura Vass - De ce ai ales alt drum (Originala 2018)

Manele 06 July 2018 1581

Laura Vass - Cu tine beau de fericire (Originala2018)

Manele 21 June 2018 1611

Laura Vass - Sia (Originala 2018)

Manele 30 January 2018 1579

Alex Kojo, Laura Vass si B. Farcas - Valcenii Americani (Originala 2017)

Manele 03 December 2017 1629

Alex Kojo cu Laura Vass si B. Farcas - Valcenii Americani 2017

Manele 01 December 2017 1749


Manele 30 October 2017 2134

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